Beauty Water Review: I Just Wanted To Be Loved

In the new Korean animation feature Beauty Water, Kyung Hun Cho signs a gripping and poignant story about the seek for beauty and its aftermath.

The Nose or the Conspiracy of Mavericks by Andrey Khrzhanovsky

A feature animation film, The Nose or the Conspiracy of Mavericks by  Russian veteran director Andrey Khrzhanovsky.

A Costume for Nicholas Review: Becoming Your Own Superhero

Our review for the Mexican animation feature A Costume for Nicholas by Eduardo Rivero.

Wolfwalkers by Tomm Moore and Ross Stewart | Film Review

Vassilis Kroustallis reviews the latest Cartoon Saloon animation feature Wolfwalkers by Tomm Moore and Ross Stewart.

I Lost My Body Review: Handy Concerns

Film review for I Lost My Body (J'ai perdu mon corps) by Jérémy Clapin.

Klaus Review: Dusting Off Familiar Toys

Review for the feature animation Klaus by Sergio Pablos.

Τhe Prince's Voyage Review: Looking for a Utopia

Film review for The Prince's Voyage by  Jean-François Laguionie and Xavier Picard.

Ville Neuve Review: Like A Fish Out of Water

Vassilis Kroustallis reviews the poetic and intimate Canadian animation feature Ville Neuve by Félix Dufour-Laperrière.


Zippy Frames is the premier online animation journal promoting European and Independent Animation animation since 2011

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