
In Her Boots by Kathrin Steinbacher

In Her Boots by Kathrin Steinbacher

The BAFTA-nominated short In Her Boots has a grandmother and her granddaughter story.

A bizarre hike through unstable terrain, which visualizes how it feels to be in Hedi’s shoes - Film Synopsis

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The film is my grandmother’s story. Or at least the film was inspired by my grandmother. I grew up in a verylittle village in Austria and it always bothered me that people care so much what others think about them. I am hoping to challenge some preconceptions around dementia. I think it is important to emphasise on giving people with dementia freedom and responsibility to show that they are not passive but active members of society. I often observe that we tend to forget that we all need to retain our identity and autonomy especially when we get older. And one way of this is to give everyone the power to make their own decisions. Caring for people with dementia in a way that gives them dignity - Kathrin Steinbecher

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