Central - South American Animation Features

Bizarre Fish from the Abysmal Zone still

Eliane Gordeeff reviews and talks to 'Bizarre Fish From the Abyssal Zone' animation director,Marcelo Marão; the trailer premieres exclusively at Zippy Frames.


Eliane Gordeeff reviews the animation feature 'Bob Split, We Do Not Like People!' by Cesar Cabral, 2021.

Vassilis Kroustallis review the Argentinian animation feature Lava by Ayar Blasco.

A new Brazilian animation feature talks about love, civilization and the need for cultural identity in a disaster setting. Review for the adventure satire Until Sbornia Do Us Part.

Without being passionate enough, it is militant, beautiful and engrossing.  The film by Luiz Bolognesi, Rio 2096: A Story of Love and Fury.

The stop-motion feature film Selkirk, The Real Robinson Crusoe, by the Uruguyan director Walter Tournier is short of flashy adventures, but full of character motivation.

Carlos Osuna directs Fat, Bold and Short, an animated  feature film from Colombia that presents a strong portrait of human personality in need of friendship and love.


Zippy Frames is the premier online animation journal promoting European and Independent Animation animation since 2011

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