
'Enough, Hands Off, and I'm Exploding', Hear the Scream of the Animators from Lodz

'Enough, Hands Off, and I'm Exploding', Hear the Scream of the Animators from Lodz

A refined collective film has been made in the course of 4 tragic days when the pandemic has been striking drastically, streets became filled with outraged and terrified protesters, whereas the right-wing politicians, religious extremist groups and catholic church elites rejoice that lives are protected. Whose lives???

Watch the short film by Film School in Lodz  students

Moved and broken by the situation in our country, we, a group of female and male students from the Animation Department of Lodz Film School have decided to act. We strongly oppose events of recent days, when during this extremely difficult to everyone pandemic time such a shameful ruling has been pushed through. The Constitutional court has issued a ruling that will end legal termination of pregnancy for fetal anomaly. We know that many of us are afraid right now, this is why we want to express unity in a just cause. Instead of building more walls, we want to build something human. We hope to help tilt the balance. We encourage everyone from artistic circles and beyond to express objection, to act boldly despite the difficult time. Let’s be in this together.

#polish_women_resistance #freewomenfreeart

Poruszeni i załamani sytuacją w naszym kraju, my, grupa studentek i studentów katedry animacji Łódzkiej Szkoły Filmowej postanowiliśmy działać. Wyrażamy zdecydowany sprzeciw wobec wydarzeń ostatnich dni, kiedy to w tym wyjątkowo trudnym dla wszystkich pandemicznym okresie przepychana jest tak haniebna ustawa ograniczająca w Polsce prawo do aborcji z uwagi na ciężką wadę płodu. Wiemy, że wiele i wielu z nas się teraz boi – chcemy więc wyrazić jedność w słusznej sprawie. Zamiast stawiać kolejne mury, pragniemy budować coś ludzkiego. Mamy nadzieję, że przyczynimy się do przechylenia tej szali. Zachęcamy wszystkie osoby ze środowisk artystycznych i nie tylko do wyrażania swojego sprzeciwu i odważnego działania, pomimo trudnego czasu. Bądźmy w tym razem  - Film School in Lodz students statement in Polish

#sprzeciwpolek (polish women defiance)
#sztukawolnajakmy (an art as free as us)
#NieDlaZaostrzeniaUstawyAntyaborcyjnej (no to tightening the anti-abortion law)
#StrajkKobiet (women's strike)

Music by: Pimon Lekler
Animation: Kasia Adamkiewicz, Weronika Althamer, Marcin Arcimowicz, Julia Benedyktowicz, Ala Błaszczyńska, Klaudia Bochniak, Agnieszka Borowa, Magda Botor, Zofia Dąbrowska, Ula Domańska, Asia Dudek, Natalia Durszewicz, Mateusz Frank, Asia Jasińska, Bogna Kowalczyk, Natalia Krawczuk, Beata Krzempek, Anita Kwiatkowska-Naqvi, Monika Likus, Marta Magnuska, Kasia Małyszko, Julia Marchowska, Marta Michalik, Weronika Michel, Piotr Milczarek, Maria Nitek, Karina Paciorkowska, Ala Palechowska, Nikodem Płaczek, Zuzia Puszkarz, Yelisaveta Pysmak, Szymon Ruczyński, Marcin Senderowicz, Kuba Siedlecki, Karolina Specht, Zuzanna Stach, Ola Szmida, Zuzanna Szor, Weronika Szyma, Sara Szymańska, Asia Trejter, Marcjanna Urbańska, Pola Włodarczyk, Paulina Ziółkowska, Izumi
Yoshida, Bogusz Żelech, Kacha Bińko, Joanna Szlembarska, Maja Minic
Editing:  Natalia Spychała

What's happening?
On October 22nd 2020, the Constitutional Court in Poland (whose current composition is considered by many legal experts at least controversial) ruled abortion on the ground of “severe and irreversible fetal defect or incurable illness that threatens the fetus' life” as unconstitutional leaving Polish women in an unimaginable situation of oppression. The consequences of this ruling threaten women's lives, physical and mental health, might deprive them of the access to prenatal testing, stigmatize them, it also particularly targets unprivileged women lacking financial and information resources in regards to possible safe abortion procedures abroad. Another consequence of this shocking decision is to put at high risk protesting masses who were openly fighting for their right to choose since 2016 when the Polish conservative government first attempted to dismantle a weak, right-wing leaning, the so-called “1993 abortion compromise”. Thousands of protesters in the streets of Polish cities and towns, risk Covid-19 infection only because politicized public institutions play with their lives instead of securing a safe social environment to survive the pandemic crisis.

Women's Rights are Human Rights


  • On the state of rule of law in Poland

    "online resource on recent developments concerning all principles which fall within the scope of the rule of law, including the separation of powers, independence of the judiciary, respect to the Constitution and international commitments, civic participation and transparency"

contributed by: Olga Bobrowska

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